By David Crane
david (at) defensereview (dot) com
September 2, 2015
While DefenseReview (DR) was at NDIA SOFIC 2015 (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference 2015), we stopped by the Spyderco booth to check out some knives, and our eyes immediately went to the Spyderco Szabo Folder Black combat/tactical folding knife, which sports a rather large (4.60″) and intimidating Scimitar-shaped curved black blade made from Crucible CPM S30V stainless steel. The non-reflective/matte black coating apparently isn’t just black paint, but rather titanium-carbonitride, which is also corrosion-resistant. The knife also is finished off with check-pattern carbon fiber/G10-laminate scales incorporating a “compression lock mechanism”, also known as a liner lock.
The Spyderco Szabo Folder Black, weighing in at only 7 ounces (7 oz, or 198 grams) is a great-looking knife, and looks like it was purpose-designed for fighting. This comes as no suprised, since its designer/developer, Laci Szabo of Szabo Inc., is a martial artist, and all his blades are designed with a combat focus. Szabo, a decendant of Attila the Hun (according to him), is known for his innovative and unorthodox blade design. I’ve personally owned one of his fixed tactical blades, a Szabo UUK (Urban Utility Knife), which I bought a long time ago at a gun show. it was a great knife with a very interesting double-edged blade that was forward-angled off the handle. It would appear Strider Knives made a more recent version of it called, appropriately enough, the Strider UUK.
Anyway, the Spyderco Szabo Folder Black is pretty badasss, so Defense Review would very much like to get our hands on one for T&E and review as soon as possible. The knife’s big, 4.60-inch black (curved) blade looks like it can make some really big, nasty cuts, especially since it sports 3.97 inches (3.97″) of cutting edge. We, however, just like it ’cause it looks really cool, and is fun to handle.
Company Contact Info:
Spyderco Factory Outlet Store
Phone: 303-279-8613
Toll-Free: 800-828-1925 Ext. 4
Fax: 303-278-2057
Email Contact Page:
Spyderco Inc. (Corporate Headquarters)
820 Spyderco Way
Golden, CO 80403-8053
Phone: 303-279-8383
Toll-Free: 800-525-7770
Fax: 303-278-2229
Email Contact Page:
Szabo Inc. (Szabo Knives)
24 Loma Del Escolar Street
Los Alamos NM 87544
Phone: 386.338.1189
Crucible Industries LLC.
575 State Fair Blvd.
Solvay, NY 13209
Phone: 1-800-365-1180
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