VooDoo Innovations VDI Slayer Glock 17 (G17) Slide/Upper Group with Mini Red Dot Sight Combat Optic Cuts, VDI Threaded Silencer/Sound Suppressor Barrel and VDI LifeCoat Melonite and PVD Coating! (Video!)

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By David Crane
david (at) defensereview (dot) com

December 31, 2016
Last updated on 1/02/17.

Back on November 29th (2016), DefenseReview (DR) published a piece on DR writer/contributor Jeff Gurwitch running the VooDoo Innovations VDI Enforcer Glock 17 (G17) Slide/Upper with a VDI Glock 17 Barrel and Grip Force Adapter extended beavertail grip tang for us. Well, as it happens, DR shot some good photos and a nice demo video of the VDI Slayer AND VDI Enforcer Glock 17 Slide/Upper Groups at SHOT Show 2016, so we figured we’d share them with our readers.

The VooDoo Innovations VDI Slayer Glock 17 Slide/Upper Group we viewed and handled appeared to be a really nice package, as it comes with red dot optic and back-up iron sight (BUIS) cuts, a VDI Glock 17 Threaded Barrel (silencer/sound suppressor barrel) and a rugged, waterproof LifeCoat Melonite/PVD coating. Outfit it with a Nous Defions/Arsenal Democracy SwiTC/H Trigger with on/off-action and an Arsenal Democracy Blackside Suppressed Glock 17/22 Pistol Holster (developed in conjunction with KMFJ, LLC), and you’d make it even nicer (for combat/tactical professionals and experienced civilian tactical shooters).

Anyway, Defense Review likes what we’ve seen of the VDI Slayer, so far, and look forward to getting one in for testing at some point. In the meantime, enjoy the photos and video we shot.

The following information on the VDI Glock slides/uppers comes directly from the VDI website:


– Profiled and Lightened Slide to Reduce Reciprocal Mass and Decrease Felt Recoil
– Enhanced Front and Rear Cocking Serrations for Improved Manipulation
– Improved Slide Geometry to Draw Your Eye to the Front Sight
– Designed to be Compatible with Factory Glock Internals and Sights
– 3 recoil springs so you may tailor the gun to your shooting.
– Green – Standard spring
– Yellow – 5% lighter spring for subsonic ammunition
– Red – 5% Stronger spring for +P ammunition


– Complete Replacement (9x19mm) Slide
– LifeCoat Slide
– Nickel & PVD
– Compatible with All Gen Glock Models: 17, 17C, 17L, 22, 22C, 24, 24C, 31, 34, 35, 37
– Lifetime Warranty
– Made in the U.S.A.


– Includes Black Serrated Iron Suppressor-Height Sights

– Includes XS Sights Dot Sights
– Micro Red Dot Relief Cut with Cover Plate
– Trijicon RMR
– Burris Fastfire 3
– Vortex Venom
– Vortex Viper
– Vortex Razor
– Leupold Deltapoint Pro

– Includes XS Sights Tritium Sights
– Includes Micro Red Dot Relief Cut and Red Dot of Choice:
– Trijicon RMR
– Burris Fastfire 3
– Vortex Venom
– Vortex Viper
– Vortex Razor
– Leupold Deltapoint Pro
– EOTech MRDS”

Company Contact Info:

VooDoo Innovations (VDI)
Phone: 813-867-4242
Email Contact Page: http://www.voodooinnovations.com/contacts
Website: http://www.voodooinnovations.com

Nous Defions, LLC
48 Commerce Lane, Ste. 7
Freeport, FL 32439
Phone: 850-296-2122
Email Contact Page: http://www.arsenaldemocracy.us/connect/
Website: http://www.arsenaldemocracy.us
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/arsenaldemocracy/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arsenal_democracy/

KMFJ LLC (Holsters and Gear)
Email: orders@kmfjmil.com
Website: http://kmfjmil.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KMFJLLC/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kmfjllc/

G-Code Holsters and Accessories
Edge Works Manufacturing
Jacksonville, North Carolina
Facebook: gcodeholsters
Edge Works Support Email: support@tacticalholsters.com
Website: https://tacticalholsters.com

© Copyright 2016 DefenseReview.com (DR). All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without receiving permission and providing proper credit and appropriate links. If you are reading this article anywhere other than DefenseReview.com, please email us the website address/URL (where the unauthorized DR article reprint is located) at defrev (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you.

All embedded DefenseReview.com (DR) photos and videos were shot with an Apple iPhone 6s Plus smartphone still/video camera.

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About David Crane

David Crane started publishing online in 2001. Since that time, governments, military organizations, Special Operators (i.e. professional trigger pullers), agencies, and civilian tactical shooters the world over have come to depend on Defense Review as the authoritative source of news and information on "the latest and greatest" in the field of military defense and tactical technology and hardware, including tactical firearms, ammunition, equipment, gear, and training.

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