By David Crane
defrev (at) gmail (dot) com
June 2, 2010
In their ongoing efforts to upgrade/improve and/or replace the Colt SOPMOD M4/M4A1 Carbine with the “Next Carbine”, the U.S. Army Contracting Command just issued a sources sought notice/solicitation (Solicitation Number: W15QKN-10-X-0455) on May 27, 2010 requesting information on potential weapon capabilities for an “Individual Carbine” as part of a “market research” program. This comes on the heals of another U.S. Army sources sought notice/market survey for a “M4 Carbine Modification Kit” (Solicitation Number: W15QKN-10-X-0435) issued on January 22, 2010.
Here’s the info on it:
10–Small Arms Technology – Individual Carbine
Solicitation Number: W15QKN-10-X-0455
Agency: Department of the Army
Office: Army Contracting Command
Location: JM&L Contracting Center (JM&L-CC)
Original Synopsis
May 27, 2010
2:27 pm
Solicitation Number:
Notice Type:
Sources Sought
Added: May 27, 2010 2:27 pm
The U.S. Army, Army Contracting Command (ACC) Joint Munitions & Lethality (JM&L) Contracting Center, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000, on behalf of the Program Manager for Soldier Weapons (PM SW) Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07860-5000 is conducting market research through this sources sought notice to obtain information pertaining to the weapon capabilities available to fill the Carbine role for the US Army. The associated production capacity of the small arms industrial base for both domestic and foreign weapon manufacturers for a potential carbine weapon system is also of interest. To facilitate planning for this requirement, the following information is requested. Note: This request for information is not limited to 5.56mm NATO systems, however it is limited to ammunition that will meet International Convention standards.
1) Weapon Types.a) Potential weapon models that your company has that can fulfill the role of a carbine for both mounted and dismounted soldiers;b) Physical parameters such as weight, length, and control features; andc) Descriptions of proposed weapon systems to include pictures, brochures, etc. that will convey the principles, as well as general and specific capabilities behind the submissions, as well as ease of operator maintenance and clearing of jams.
2) Performance Improvements.a) Modularity which includes, but is not limited to, compatibility with accessory items such as optical sights, image intensification sights, thermal sights, laser targeting systems, bipods, tactical lights, Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES), bayonets, and accessory type grenade launchers. There is specific interest in improvements to zero retention and zero repeatability. b) Weapon performance in the areas of accuracy and dispersion in 100 meter increments out to the maximum range of your proposed carbine weapon(s) without a suppressor;c) Reliability and durability in all environments including ambient temperature, low temperature (-60F), high temperature (+155F), dust, etc and stated in terms of Mean Rounds Between Stoppages (MRBS) and Mean Rounds Between Failures (MRBF).d) Terminal performance on a variety of target mediums.Note: Any claimed weapon performance or terminal performance should be supported by either information on which certified test facility was used and when, or test operating procedures utilized if conducted in-house. Independent evaluations are also acceptable.
3) Production capacity estimates.a) Request information on minimum and maximum monthly production rates for potential carbine weapon models, and the lead times to achieve these production rates. This estimate should consider a US based production facility by the third year of deliveries. This capacity should be above and beyond any current production orders or current sales. If new facilities are planned or required, so state.b) Does the manufacturer have a repair capability and is that capability part of or independent of the production/assembly line.
Interested offerors should submit the information annotated above, in hard copy, by 16 June 2010 to: The U.S. Army, Army Contracting Command (ACC) Joint Munitions & Lethality (JM&L) Contracting Center, CCJM-MA, Bldg 10, Attn: Peter Snedeker, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000. Electronic submissions may be sent to Please include company name, address, telephone number, and technical point of contact, brochures/literature. Submissions shall not exceed 5 pages (8 x 11 inches), not including pictures and brochures. Format of submissions shall be in accordance with outline provided above. Font shall be 12 pitch with one inch borders. All information is to be submitted at no cost or obligation to the Government. All information marked {Proprietary to company name} will not be disclosed outside of the Department of Defense. NO TELEPHONE INQUIRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. The documentation provided will not be returned. This is a sources sought notice only and is for planning purposes only. THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION AND DOES NOT OBLIGATE THE GOVERNMENT TO ISSUE A SOLICITATION.
Additional Info:
US ARMY Contracting Command JM&L CC-Picatinny Procurement Network
Contracting Office Address:
US Army, Army Contracting Command, Joint Munitions and Lethality (JM&L) Contracting Center, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000
Point of Contact(s):
Peter Snedeker, Contract Specialist
973-724-4009 Phone Email
General Information:
Notice Type:
Sources Sought
Posted Date:
May 27, 2010
Response Date:
June 16, 2010
Archiving Policy:
Automatic, on specified date
Archive Date:
July 16, 2010
Original Set Aside:
Set Aside:
Classification Code:
10 — Weapons
Click here to view the original sources sought notice/solicitation.
So, what do you think? DefenseReview is interested in our readers’ opinions on the U.S. Army’s efforts to replace the Colt M4/M4A1 Carbine (SOPMOD) with a next-gen infantry assault rifle/carbine.
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