PVS-7D NOD’s & MICH Helmet: A Review from the Front Lines.

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by Charles Gaines

This is the second in a series of reviews of US army equipment being used in Afghanistan. The first was on the M-4 carbine and it’s associated accessories, the PAQ-4 infrared laser and M-68 close-combat optic, and shoud still be up on the main page if you’re interested.

First, the PVS-7D Night Observation Device, or NOD. This is a binocular NOD, which means that both eyes look can through it. And herein lies the problem. To actually get a single image through the PVS-7, you have to…

close one eye. While this isn’t a big problem when in a vehicle or a patrol base where you aren’t moving around, it is a serious problem if you get into a firefight at night. To bound effectively in pairs, you need to be able to see your battle buddy, and the FOV on the PVS-7 is such that you usually see your buddy when he’s already gotten to his next piece of cover, which is a serious aggravation, as it screws up the next team bounding.

However, aside from this problem, (which is easily solved by not wearing them unless absolutely necessary) the PVS-7 is a pretty good piece of equipment. This NOD when used in conjunction with a PAQ-4 that’s properly veroed makes you a God at fighting at night. You can see; your enemy cannot, and you can also aim, which puts you into a major advantage. While it makes your K-pot forward-heavy, there’s way to minimize that. Otherwise, it’s a great little piece of technology, particularly in the desert, where you can see for miles, even at night.

Now, the new Modular Integrated Communications Helmet. The replacement for the ’80s-era K-pot ballistic helmet, this is a great little helmet design. It’s smaller & lighter than the k-pot, although it still provides a good level of protection against 9mm and shrapnel. It also has pads on the inside, which makes it hugely more comfortable than a K-pot could ever be. Another side effect of it’s smallness it that it’s easier to hear with one on as compared to a K-pot. A K-pot is wearable for maybe a few hours before it gets really painful for most of us. A MICH you can wear all day and barely feel it.

While the NOD mount is still stupid (it places a lot of weight out on the front end of the helmet, which is a pain in the ass) in all, the MICH is much better than it’s predeccessor. Kudos to the Army for picking a great design.

PVS-7D NOD’s & MICH Helmet: A Review from the Front Lines. by

About David Crane

David Crane started publishing online in 2001. Since that time, governments, military organizations, Special Operators (i.e. professional trigger pullers), agencies, and civilian tactical shooters the world over have come to depend on Defense Review as the authoritative source of news and information on "the latest and greatest" in the field of military defense and tactical technology and hardware, including tactical firearms, ammunition, equipment, gear, and training.

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