This one looks pretty cool. It’s called the Powertron, and its brought to you by the good folks at Electronic Defense Technology, L.L.C. From the looks of it, it’s basically a Taser M26 on steroids. The following quote is some of what Electronic Defense Technology’s literature has to say about the Powertron:
"The world’s first known* handgun-shaped, dual firing, 31’ distance electronic stun device. Using patent-pending Quadrashock™ technology and operating on 46 watts of power, the POWERTRON is a powerhouse of less-than-lethal, distance-firing technology – never before available. It fires up to 4 darts, and no other distance-firing weapon has…
the capabilities of the POWERTRON!"
Intriguing, no? Here’s some more company literature on the Powertron:
"Shaped like a pistol for accuracy and ease of handling, this product is not only revolutionary but more effective and has a longer distance firing capability than any other product currently available. New technology enables us to produce a product that has a 31-foot effective range – 10 feet beyond the longest firing capacity of any other distance firing product in a handgun configuration.
The unit can be loaded with 2 double dart, 31-foot firing cartridges for simultaneous target impact of up to 4 darts, any two of which, or all 4, can immobilize a target. This means it is 400% more likely to strike a target than conventional technology at 21 feet. In addition, the unit retains contact capabilities if closeness becomes a factor after the device is fired.
The Powertron system uses a powdered charge to eject the darts from the self-contained cassettes. The darts are attached to trailing wires and electricity flows through the wires into the darts to the intended target. The electrical transference is less-than-lethal immobilization technology. The discharge method is by means of powder but the application is by less-than-lethal electronic waveform technology, hence the term less-than-lethal firing system."
The Powertron also appears to incorporate an integrated (i.e. built-in) targeting laser as standard equipment. DefRev doesn’t yet know who’s making/providing the laser unit for/to them.
DefRev also does not yet know whether or not Electronic Defense Technology, L.L.C. intends to come out with a cool and compact version of the Powertron to go up against the Taser X26, which is a really neat little unit made by Taser International. That would be interesting to see.
If you or your agency would like to find out more about the Powertron Less-Than-Lethal Elecronic Firearm System , you can contact Electronic Defense Technology, L.L.C at 800-345-STUN (7886) or 216-663-8228. Or, you can contact the company via their online contact form.
The company also offerst training on their various products. We believe this includes the Powertron, but you would have to check with Electronic Defense Technology, L.L.C. to make sure.