by David Crane
DefRev just received a very informative update about the "Model No.1" .50 Cal. (50 GI) 1911 pistol from Alex Zimmermann, owner/CEO of Guncrafter Industries, LLC, via email. You can read it by clicking on "Read More" (hypertext) below…
The below listed information has a little more information than the web site. Feel free to extract whatever you fell is useful for your readers from it.
I will try and get back with you shortly and answer as many of your questions as I can.
Best Wishes,
Alex Zimmermann"
Alex goes on to write:
"I hope the below listed information answers your questions. Our web site at will be filled with useful information in a couple of days, please check it out periodically for updates.
Also, printed information will be available shortly.
The first batch of pistols are already spoken for!
We are taking orders for the second batch right now and will start shipping these around Feb. 20th, after the SHOT SHOW. When placing an order, we require ½ down deposit and the remaining ½ prior to shipping.
Feel free to contact us again if you want more detailed information.
Thanks for your inquiry,
Alex Zimmermann"
Alex provided the following info for us:
"GI Model No. 1, 50 GI Caliber Specs, Features and Highlights:
Proprietary fully machined frame and slide
Original 1911 Size, weighs 40 oz.
Match Grade Heavy Barrel, 1:18" twist
Heavy Duty Stainless 7rd. Magazine
Heinie Slant Pro Tritium Sights
20 lpi Carry Checkering on Frontstrap
20 lpi Checkered MSH w/ Integral Lanyard Loop
Tactical Single Side Thumb Safety
Light-weight Trigger, tuned to 4#
Full length one-piece guide rod w/reverse plug
Beveled Mag Well
Olive Drab Aluma-Grips w/logo
Parkerized Finish
Comes with two .50 GI magazines in a Cordura Carrying Case
Brief description of the Model No. 1 and the 50 GI cartridge:
The Model No.1 is pure 1911 all the way through, the external dimensions are the same as a std. 1911 and the Model No. 1 will fit holsters for std. 1911’s. It will also accept a majority of 1911 accessories and components with little or no modifications.
The inside of the Model No. 1 has been re-engineered to accommodate the larger 50 GI cartridge and sports a beefy .50 cal. barrel and a very sturdy magazine of heat treated stainless steel.
Each pistol is personally built by Master Pistolsmiths Victor Tibbets and Alex Zimmermann, with great attention to fit, finish and reliability, it is in every sense a custom quality handgun.
It is also a very accurate pistol and compares favorably to accurized 1911’s in this aspect.
The 50 GI is a proprietary Guncrafter Industries cartridge and was developed from the ground up specifically for our Model No. 1 pistol.
It is a very strong, thick-walled cartridge, which when loaded is approximately the same OAL as a 45 ACP round.
Due to the large caliber, the cartridge operates at relatively low pressures and has a long reloading life.
The concept was to create a practical .50 caliber 1911 without unnecessary bulk or weight, but with increased knock-down power.
One of our factory loads for the 50 GI typically drives a 300 grain bullet at 700 -725 fps, which translates into a 210 power factor.
This is achieved without loss of controllability – firing this load feels comparable to shooting a std. 230 hard ball factory round.
However, the 50 GI is a very versatile cartridge and can be loaded to higher or lower levels, as desired.
Another factory load drives the same 300 grain bullet at 875 – 900 fps and puts some serious stopping power downrange, while still being quite controllable for the seasoned .45 ACP shooter.
Factory loaded ammunition, brass and reloading dies are available through Guncrafter Industries.
An often asked question is whether a customer can convert his own 1911 into a .50 cal. pistol by purchasing a barrel, slide etc, from Guncrafter Industries.
Unfortunately the answer is no. Serious re-engineering has taken place on both the frame, slide, magazine and barrel to create the 50 GI cal. Model No.1 pistol, and these main components of the pistol will no longer work in conjunction with std. 1911 frames, slides and barrels.
On the upside, Guncrafter Industries manufactures a conversion unit for the Model No. 1 that enables the user to shoot .45 ACP ammunition in the Model No. 1.
The retail price of the Model No. 1 is $2895.00.
Extra magazines are $44.95.
50 GI factory loaded ammunition is $14.25/box of 20.
Conversion unit ( shoot .45 ACP in the Model No.1) retails at $365.00, includes 8 rd. magazine.
* Dealer pricing available, FFL required."