Robinson Armament XCR Multi-Caliber Carbine/Subcarbine for Military SPECOPS/PSD

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by David Crane

Back in September, DefenseReview provided its readers with a quick "heads-up" on the new Robinson Armament XCR Modular Weapon System (MWS). The Robinson Armament XCR Modular Weapon System (MWS) was specifically designed and developed to compete in the USSOCOM SCAR/SOFCAR program. The purpose of the SCAR/SOFCAR program is to adopt a select-fire multi-caliber modular weapon system for U.S. Special Operations Forces that can be quick-converted between calibers and barrel lengths, and that will be more reliable and durable under adverse conditions and high round count than the M4/M4A1 carbine and various AR-15/M16-variant subcarbines. In the XCR-L, Robinson Armament Co. claims to have created an ambidextrous rifle/carbine/subcarbine that is as reliable and durable under adverse conditions and high round count as an AK-47/AKM, while simultaneously offering superior ergonomics, accuracy, and accessory mounting/attachment options to the M4/M4A1 Carbine. Wow. Where do I sign up?

The Robinson Armament XCR-L (XCR-Light) select-fire rifle/carbine/subcarbine is currently available in…

5.56x45mm, 6.8 Remington SPC (6.8x43mm), and 7.62x39mm. A 7.62x51mm (.308 Win.) version should be available soon. Caliber conversions only require that the operator swap out the barrel, bolt, and magazine, and take less than 5 minutes with "little loss of zero".

It’s DefRev’s understanding that the 7.62x39mm version of the XCR-L utilizes standard AK-47/AKM (Kalashnikov) 30-round mags, just like Robinson Armament’s previously designed/developed RAV02 MC (pronounced "RAVE") carbine/subcarbine.
In DefenseReview’s opinion, a 7.62x39mm version is essential, considering the proven viability/efficacy of the 7.62x39mm as a CQB (Close Quarters Battle) cartridge and its prevalence in the "Sandbox". There’s just so much 7.62x39mm ammo over there, and it’s such an effective CQB round, that it would crazy not to offer a version of the XCR-L MWS in this caliber.

The Robinson Armament
XCR-L Carbine/Subcarbine
features a proprietary M1913 Picatinny rail system/forend rail tube for mounting/attaching optical sights, BUIS’s (Back-Up Iron Sights), ir/visible lasers, and tactical white lights. The XCR also sports a side-folding stock. Hopefully, a multi-position version of this folding stock, or a M4/M4A1-style multi-position telescoping/retractable buttstock (so the Crane/LMT SOPMOD buttstock, Vltor ModStock, and MagPul Modular Stock System (MSS) M93A Carbine Stock can all be utilized), will be offered as XCR-L options in the future. Dry weight/empty weight is 7.0 lbs. Available barrel lengths for the 5.56x45mm and 6.8x43mm (6.8 Remington SPC) versions of the XCR-L are 11.5", 14.5", 18.5" and 20". Barrels are free-floating. DefenseReview does not yet have accuracy/MOA data on the Robinson Armament XCR-L Modular Weapon System. Semi-auto-only civilian-legal versions of the XCR-L Modular Weapon System (MWS) rifle/carbine with barrel lengths of 16" and up are also available.

Here’s what Robinson Armament Co. has to say about the XCR Modular Weapons System (MWS) Rifle/Carbine/Subcarbine:

"The XCR(TM) Modular Weapon System was designed specifically for the U.S. Special Forces. The goal was to design a rifle which was as reliable and durable as an AK47 but which had the ergonomics, accuracy, and accessory options of an M4 Carbine. What we ended up with is a rifle which is as reliable and durable as an AK47, but which has better ergonomics, accuracy, and accessory attachment options than the M4, combined with the ability to quickly and efficiently change barrels and calibers.

The XCR(TM) consists of an Upper an Lower receiver. The lower receiver is the serialized part containing the fire-control components.

The upper receiver has an integral rail system and quick change barrel mechanism. The XCR(TM) is a completely new design. While the magazine well, trigger, and selector are reminiscent of those components of the AR15/M16 rifle, they are actually very different.

The XCR(TM) has a completely new, proprietary, and patent pending bolt system and extractor which are stronger and more durable than those of any Stoner type M16/M4 bolt system. The XCR(TM) was specifically designed to fire the 5.56x45mm (.223) as well as the New 6.8 Remington SPC Cartridge. The XCR(TM) is now available now in both these calibers. A .308 version will be available later this year. The following are some of the important features of the XCR(TM).

The XCR(TM) is designed to be the finest assault rifle available anywhere. The XCR(TM) is a multi-caliber, piston-driven, gas operated rifle with a proprietary bolt which provides unmatched reliability and durability. Usually, weight is sacrificed for durability. However, the XCR(TM) is both durable and light at just under 7.0 lbs. empty. The rifle has 1913 spec. rails machined right into the upper receiver at the 3, 6, 9, and 12 O’clock positions. These rails are machined parallel to the bore for easy mounting of sights, lights, grenade launchers, and other accessories. The sights (optional) are in the right position for quick target acquisition and can folded against the receiver when not in use.

Furthermore, the XCR(TM) has ambidextrous controls which are very intuitive. The magazine release, bolt hold open, and selector controls can be easily controlled by either hand. The charging handle is on the left side of the rifle and contains a forward assist mechanism. Caliber changes only require the replacement of the barrel, bolt, and magazine. The change can be made in less than 5 minutes with little loss of zero.
Available in 5.56 NATO and 6.8 calibers in barrel lengths of 11.5”, 14.5”, 16.2, 18.5” , and 20”. The rifle uses standard M16 magazines for .223 and 6.8 magazines for 6.8. Of course the folding stock (locks in and out) and a flash hider are standard equipment.

The XCR(TM) is simply the finest assault rifle available today. It is available in select-fire for military and law enforcement and in semi-auto only for civilian collectors. To order yours, contact us immediately."

The following is an XCR update, including specifications and pricing info, posted by Alex Robinson on the Robinson Armament Co. XCR page on 12/08/04:

"We’re making great progress finalizing the XCR(Tm) and will begin mass production very shortly. Many of our customers have asked us for some more pictures and some video. Please click on the "Gallery" or "Video" links below to see more pictures and some videos of the XCR(Tm) in action. The XCR(Tm) may be the "perfect" battle rifle. Each XCR-L 5.56 Carbine will be equipped with a complete 1913 rail system (3, 6, 9, & 12 O’clock positions), a folding stock, and one magazine as standard equipment. We will offer a variety of sights (iron, red dot, and optical) as options for an additional price. Select-fire versions will be available for law enforcement and military agencies.

The retail price of the standard XCR-L 5.56 is $1,249.99 which is similar to the price of an AR15 Flattop with a good rail system added. However, the XCR-L offers so much more – quick-change, free-floating barrel; caliber change; lower recoil; better ergonomics; better reliability; and stronger parts. If you have any questions or comments, we’d like to hear them. We are taking orders now for shipment sometime in January into February.


Alex J. Robinson

DefRev can’t wait to T&E the various caliber versions of the XCR-L Close Quarter Combat (CQC) subcarbine as soon as possible. We’re hoping Robnson Armament Co. brings them to SHOT Show, this year (coming up soon), for a range evaluation. Ideally, we’d like to run the XCR-L against the FN Herstal SCAR-L/SOFCAR-L competition winner, to see which is superior. That would be really interesting.

Click here to view the Robinson Armament Co. XCR-L 5.56mm/6.8mm Rem. SPC Modular Weapon System (MWS) page.

Click here to view pics of the Robinson Armament XCR-L 5.56 Close Quarter Combat (CQC) subcarbine (11.5" barrel) with EOTech 551 Military Holographic Weapons Sight/Holographic Diffreaction Sight attached. The XCR-L 5.56 Close Quarter Combat (CQC) subcarbine looks like one sweet little piece. If it works as advertised, it should prove to be ideal for military PSD (Personal Security Detachment/Detail)/Security Operator work and military/private military Special Operations missions conducted in urban environments.

Click on the links below to download and view the Robinson Armament XCR-L Modular Weapon System (MWS) Video Clips:

XCR-L 5.56 Drills (MPEG 13,567 KB)

XCR-L 5.56 Full-Auto (MPEG 5,185 KB)

XCR-L Caliber Conversion Procedure (MPEG 22,557 KB)

XCR-L 7.62x39mm Drills (MPEG 5,372 KB)

Click here to visit the Robinson Armament XCR Modular Weapon System FAQ page.

Click here to read the original "heads-up" that DefenseReview published back in September on the Robinson Armament XCR Modular Weapon System.

DefRev also reported on the Robinson Armament RAV02 MC select-fire modular carbine/subcarbine, awhile back. Our two articles were titled "Robinson Armament Introduces the RAV02 MC Rifle/Carbine" and "Robinson Armament RAV02 MC Select-Fire Assault Carbine/Subcarbine Videos.", respectively. As the latter article’s title suggests, the article contains links to two video clips of the 7.62x39mm version of the RAV02 MC being run on full auto.

Click here to read our first article on the Robinson Armament RAV02 MC multi-caliber modular carbine/subcarbine, titled "Robinson Armament Introduces the RAV02 MC Rifle/Carbine.

Click here to read our second article on the RAV02 MC, titled "Robinson Armament RAV02 MC Select-Fire Assault Carbine/Subcarbine Videos".

Robinson Armament Co. can be contacted by phone at 801-355-0401, or via email at Ask for Alex Robinson.

Robinson Armament XCR Multi-Caliber Carbine/Subcarbine for Military SPECOPS/PSD by

About David Crane

David Crane started publishing online in 2001. Since that time, governments, military organizations, Special Operators (i.e. professional trigger pullers), agencies, and civilian tactical shooters the world over have come to depend on Defense Review as the authoritative source of news and information on "the latest and greatest" in the field of military defense and tactical technology and hardware, including tactical firearms, ammunition, equipment, gear, and training.

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