The Mark 4 CQ/T is a 1-3x14mm variable power "sighting device" that was designed, like the Aimpont Comp M and Trijicon ACOG, for "fast target acquisition and engagement at close to medium range." The new unit is claimed to be rugged and submersible to 66 ft and features a true 1x setting for close range engagement. It also has ten …
Read More »Armed Students Save Lives by Stopping Bloody Rampage in its Tracks.
Here’s a very interesting story, from, on last week’s "school shooting" incident at Appalachian School of Law, perpetrated by Nigerian student Peter Odighizuwa. Apparently he was stopped early in his bloody rampage by fellow students who quickly armed themselves after the shooting started. Click here to go right to the story.
Read More »Latest Russian Small Arms Give Western Counterparts a Run for Their Money.
Russia’s making some pretty neat stuff lately. DefRev found a page on Milparade’s site that highlights some of the new weaponry. Weapons featured are the GSh-18 pistol(which looks a lot like the Steyr M/S series pistols and holds 18 rounds of 9x19mm in the magazine), RMB-93 forward-cocking shotgun(with magazine tube ABOVE the barrel), AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher, RPO-A Shmel rocket …
Read More »MMC Ghost Ring Shotgun Sights for Tactical Application.
MMC, known for their rugged adjustable sighting systems, makes some rather mean looking ghost ring shotgun sights for serious social purposes. To visit MMC’s Ghost Ring shotgun sight page, just click on this link.
Read More »Protecta Shotgun and Protecta Bulldog Shotgun
Brought to you by the good folks at Reutech Defence Industries(RDI), these two little beauties from South Africa are designed to get you out of a tight spot, when all hell’s broken loose. The "Bulldog" is a compact version of the standard Protecta. Both utilize a revolver action, and hold 12 rounds of 12-gauge ammunition. You choose the mix: buckshot, …
Read More »Milkor MGL-MK1 40mm Multiple Grenade Launcher: The Best in the Business.
The Milkor MGL-MK1 is the premier multiple grenade launcher of the world. Made in South Africa, the Milkor MGL gives its operator 6 rounds of 40mm low-impulse grenades at his immediate disposal, making it an extremely effective force multiplier for any special operations team. It is the preferred multiple grenade launcher of Spec-Ops and mercenary forces around the world. One …
Read More »Sako M95 Assault Rifle. Is it the last of its kind?
The Sako M95, standard rifle of the Finnish armed forces, might just be the best assault rifle in the world(besides the Russian AN-94, AK-107, and AK-108, which are all not yet really in production). Available in both 7.62x39mm and 5.56x45mm, the M95 is basically an updated Kalashnikov, or rather, a Kalashnikov taken to its ultimate conclusion. Preceded by the M90 …
Read More »Bullet-Proof Vests of the Future: Spider Silk Technology?
Will bullet-proof vests of the future utilize spider silk technology derived from th milk of goats, cows, and, yes, even hamsters?! Can it be? I mean, what the heck’s goin’ on here? To find out, click on this link. Then, for even more info, click on this one. Very interesting stuff, indeed.
Read More »New ExtremeShock Counterterrorism/Defensive Ammunition
Billed by the manufacturer as "the world’s most advanced ammunition", "the world’s premier antiterrorist rounds", and "the world’s premier home defense round", ExtremeShock Ammunition has some pretty big self-espoused hype to live up to. It would be nice, of course, if the company would show some actual proof to back up their rather large performance claims. You see, when you …
Read More »Russian Amphibious Assault Rifle
Russia has just come out with a new assault rifle that’s at home both on land and under water–an amphibious assault rifle, if you will. Known as the ASM-DT Special Multipurpose(Universal Two-Medium) Assault Rifle, this new 5.45mm rifle can equal the performance of the AK-74 on land, and the APS Underwater Assault Rifle in the water. Very cool stuff, indeed. …
Read More »PM-98/98S 9mm Subgun Becomes Available in the U.S.
Described by noted gun writer Al Paulson as "an inspired cross between a Mini Uzi and MP-5", this new Polish submachine gun offering, made by Radom, looks very interesting. The difference between the PM-98 and PM-98S models is that the PM-98S lacks the former’s recoil reducer. The PM-98 fires at 640 rpm, while the PM-98S fires at 770 rpm. The …
Read More »New Poseiden Minishell Pump: There’s a New Badboy in Town.
Brought to you by Centurion Ordnance, Inc.(the importer of Aguila Ammunition and the new Minishell round), the Poseiden pump-action shotgun is designed specifically for the new Minishell, already featured on this site. The Poseiden is actually made for Centurion Ordnance by a Turkish manufacturer, which has yet to be identified by DefRev. As usual, we’ll ferret out the information as …
Read More »New Aguila 12 Guage Minishell
Aguila Ammunition has just introduced their 1-3/4" 12 ga Minishell. Industrias Tecnos SA de CV from Cuernavaca, Mexico, is the manufacturer of Aguila ammunition, and developed the Minishell for law enforcement and military applications. Imported for Aguila by Centurion Ordnance, Inc. the new round has a number of advantages, including lighter recoil, higher capacity(as you can fit more rounds in …
Read More »Leitner-Wise LW 15.22 Turns Your AR-15 into a .22 Rimfire.
Leitner-Wise’s LW 15.22 just may be the answer for those who enjoy shooting their AR-15, but have to duke it out with their wallet every time they wanna’ hit the range. Available either as a complete rifle or upper receiver replacement unit, the LW 15.22 allows you to shoot cheap-as-dirt .22 Long Rifle ammo through your favorite 5.56 "Black Rifle", …
Read More »USAS-12 Select-Fire Shotgun, Brought to You by Ramo Defense Systems
Ramo Defense Systems is the current importer and marketer of the USAS-12 shotgun. The USAS-12, looking like an M16 that’s pumped a lot of iron while on a steady diet of anabolic steroids, can fire a variety of 12 gauge, 2 3/4 high velocity shells reliably, including slugs and fleshettes. The weapon is a gas-operated, magazine-fed weapon that utilizes a …
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