Maddox Defense MD Hawk All-Terrain Turbo-Charged Algae-Biodiesel Baja Racer-Type Military Combat/Tactical Bike (Motorcycle) for Military Special Operations Forces (SOF) Missions: Achieves Almost 100 Miles Per Gallon (MPG) on the Street and 50-60 MPG Off-Road!

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By David Crane
david (at) defensereview (dot) com

December 15, 2016

As long as we’re on a military combat/tactical bike/motorcycle kick (see here and here), we should probably discuss the Maddox Defense MD Hawk Baja racer-type 800cc all-terrain biodiesel motorcycle that’s powered by a turbo-charged Mercedes-Benz inline 3-cylinder diesel engine/motor, which runs on algae biodiesel fuel and gets almost 100 MPG (Miles Per Gallon) on the street, and 50-60 MPG off-road. WOW. The bike also utilizes a belt-and-pulley continuously variable transmission, which keeps the torque and power band optimal all the up to its top end, which is about 110 mph (Miles Per Hour).

DefenseReview (DR) actually first came across the Maddox Defense Hawk bike at HALO Counter-Terrorism Summit 2012, but for some reason we never reported on it. It somehow fell off our radar, which is strange, since we reported on the Maddox Defense Falkon Desert Patrol Vehicle (DPV) Baja Racer-type all-terrain combat/tactical vehicle shortly after the show, and the Hawk was just as interesting to us.

Anyway, the Maddox Defense Hawk turbo biodiesel all-terrain motorcycle, optimized for military Special Operations (SOF) applications/missions, can be configured with different lighting, comms (communications) and navigation set-ups, depending on the mission profile. The Hawk has been used as a demonstration platform for renewable fuel development (biodiesel biofuel) with the help of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego and project sponsor Sapphire Energy in order to show how it works in the real world. Sapphire Energy manufactures the algae-based biodiesel fuel domestically in the United States, and can apparently produces it more efficiently and in greater quantitites than the more common and well-known corn-based ethanol alternative fuel–and you don’t need to utilize farmland or traditional food sources like corn to do it.

It’s DR’s understanding that Maddox Defense actually raced the Hawk biodiesel bike in the Score International Baja 1000 off-road race shortly after saw it and shot the video below. We’re actually curious as to how it performed in the race.

Editor’s Note: Defense Review is going to try to follow up on this article by getting in touch with the Maddox Defense folks to find out the Hawk’s current status, and update this article accordingly.

Company and Organization Contact Info:

Maddox Defense
6549 Mission Gorge Rd. Suite 112
San Diego, CA 92120
Phone: 855-462-3369

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093
Phone: 858-534-3624

Sapphire Energy, Inc.
Phone: 858-768-4700

Zebra Partners (Sapphire Energy Public Relations):

Andrea Piotraszewski
Zebra Partners
Phone: 206-910-7606

Beth Llewelyn
Phone: 206-406-5027

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Maddox Defense MD Hawk All-Terrain Turbo-Charged Algae-Biodiesel Baja Racer-Type Military Combat/Tactical Bike (Motorcycle) for Military Special Operations Forces (SOF) Missions: Achieves Almost 100 Miles Per Gallon (MPG) on the Street and 50-60 MPG Off-Road! by

About David Crane

David Crane started publishing online in 2001. Since that time, governments, military organizations, Special Operators (i.e. professional trigger pullers), agencies, and civilian tactical shooters the world over have come to depend on Defense Review as the authoritative source of news and information on "the latest and greatest" in the field of military defense and tactical technology and hardware, including tactical firearms, ammunition, equipment, gear, and training.

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