Gerald R. Ford Class US Aircraft Carrier Defenses/Survivability Analysis Animation by The Infographics Show: How Well is it Protected?

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By David Crane
david (at) defensereview (dot) com

Images Credit: The Infographics Show

January 8, 2019

DefenseReview (DR) has been covering the increasing difficulty in defending our (US) aircraft carriers against the latest and greatest hypersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, supercavitating torpedoes, Supercavitating supersonic submarines, anti-ship ballistic missiles, electromagnetic weapons, high-powered microwave weapons, and even armed/weaponized speedboat swarms for years, now. So, we were pleasantly surprised to come across a rather well-done animated analysis of the Gerald R. Ford class (formerly known as the CVN-21 class) US aircraft carrier, or “super carrier” defenses/survivability done by The Infographics Show.

Those guys actually did a nice job, and provided a pretty cogent argument that the new carrier is extremely well protected against any and all potential enemy threats at present. When all’s said and done, you’ve still got a giant, extremely-expensive aircraft carrier sitting above the surface, and ever more advanced anti-ship weapons being developed out there, which the animated video acknowledges.

The Gerald R. Ford class carrier’s best defense against advanced ballistic and directed-energy threats is arguably the fact that it belongs to the United States, and a successful attack on it would mean certain death and destruction for the country behind it–and it WOULD most likely require nation-state-level technology and infrastructure to successfully attack it. This would mean World War III (WWIII). So, even if China and/or Russia can, sink it, doing so wouldn’t be advisable.

For the record, Defense Review really enjoys The Infographics Show animations. They’re quite entertaining, informative, and well-executed.

Anyway, here’s the video. Enjoy:

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Gerald R. Ford Class US Aircraft Carrier Defenses/Survivability Analysis Animation by The Infographics Show: How Well is it Protected? by

About David Crane

David Crane started publishing online in 2001. Since that time, governments, military organizations, Special Operators (i.e. professional trigger pullers), agencies, and civilian tactical shooters the world over have come to depend on Defense Review as the authoritative source of news and information on "the latest and greatest" in the field of military defense and tactical technology and hardware, including tactical firearms, ammunition, equipment, gear, and training.

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