by David Crane A lot of gun people I know down here in Florida wear cargo pants. This is because cargo pants are lightweight and comfortable, and have big pockets into which you can put lots of stuff. As it happens, my personal philosophy is "the more pockets the better." When you combine this outlook with my "the more …
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Looking for a Kydex Holster for Tactical Use or CCW? It’s G-Code Time.
by David Crane There’s certainly no dirth of kydex holster makers right now. However, there’s one company out there that looks like it might just be the most innovative of the bunch, and that’s Edge-Works Manufacturing, the makers of G-Code holsters. For about the last 7 months, I’ve been using a G-Code paddle holster to carry around my third generation …
Read More »Heckler & Koch (HK) P7M13 vs. Glock 19. Which is Best? The Uber War.
by David Crane defrev at August 17, 2002 The bulk of this story is basically a re-printing of a post reply I made to a thread at TFL), along with a couple little changes and additional material and commentary. The title of the TFL thread is "Why the HKP7 is Superior to the Glock", and it was posted …
Read More »Now You Can Carry Your Glock
Most people are familiar with the phrase "Glock Perfection". It’s on Glock’s brochures, and mimmicked by Glock owners everywhere, whose numbers are legion. And, it must be said that those claims are pretty accurate. While not perfect, Glock pistols are just about as close to perfection as can reasonably be achieved via mass production. That said, if there’s one feature …
Read More »New SIMUNITION® Drop-In/Replacement Kits for Glocks.
This was my first stop at TREXPO East, since it was located inside Tactical & Survival Specialties Inc.’s area, at the front of the hall. SNC Technologies Inc. (SNC TEC), a Canadian company, is, of course, famous for their line of specialty training ammunition and marking cartridges. In fact, they’re currently the industry leader in this field. Lou Solis, SIMUNITION®’s …
Read More »FSSG Fire Selector System for Glock Pistols (DefRev Original Content)
by David Crane david (at) defensereview (dot) com Photo Credit: FSSG June 5, 2001 Every once in a while, something comes along that is so interesting, it is simply hard to believe that it’s actually possible–that it really exists. The FSSG Fire-Selector System is just one of those things. In a nutshell, this is the single coolest aftermarket product we’ve …
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