by David Crane
Polyshok I.R.P. shotgun ammo would appear to be ideally suited for counterterrorism missions where hostage rescue is the primary goal. It’s DefenseReview’s understanding that…
USSOCOM and specific U.S. military Special Operations units and law enforcement SWAT/SRT teams that have tested the Polyshok I.R.P. round are extremely impressed with its performance.
Click here to view a video that demonstrates "the problem with [conventional] tactical ammunition"–overpenetration of the intended target.
According to the Polyshok, Inc. website, "This video shows what can happen when 00 buckshot is fired in a residential neighborhood. In this simulation a standard 12 gauge load of 00 buckshot is being fired toward a house from a range of 30 feet. The buckshot penetrated a solid wood privacy fence, an exterior wall with vinyl siding, and two interior walls and still maintained lethal energy. Although 00 buckshot was used in this demonstration it very accurately represents the minimum penetration of practically all tactical handgun, rifle, or submachine gun ammunition currently in use. (All wall panels were constructed to meet or exceed national building code standards.)"
Click here to view the overpenetration danger/effect of a 12 gauge shotgun slug.
According to Polyshok, "This video shows just a small fraction of the power of a 12 gauge slug. We have simulated shooting a standard 1 once slug toward a vinyl sided house from 30 feet. The slug passes through a solid wood privacy fence and easily penetrates the entire house with retained lethal energy on the other side.
Click here to view a video that demonstrates "the over-penetration issue" of conventional 12-gauge 00 buckshot against a human target.
Polyshok states that "this video shows the over penetration potential of 00 buckshot and almost all other types of conventional tactical ammunition after shooting through a dense viscous target (bad guy). After hitting and fully penetrating the initial target 00 buckshot passes right through two interior wall panels and delivers lethal energy to an innocent bystander two rooms away."
Click here to see how this over-penetration issue is resolved.
In this video, "the Polyshok I.R.P. round is shot through a dense viscous target (bad guy) with interior walls, and an innocent bystander down range. This video shows the tremendous power delivered to the target with almost no danger to anyone beyond."
Click here to view a multi-family housing demo.
The following is what Polyshok has to say about this tactical scenario: "Almost without exception, law enforcement agencies never want to shoot from one apartment blindly into another apartment. One of our major design concerns was to make sure that a missed shot would lose the bulk of its energy in a partition wall between apartments and pose as little threat as possible on the other side. In this demonstration we fire the Polyshok I.R.P. round into the typical minimum building code standard partition wall between multi-family units which consists of two sheets of 5/8" fire rated gypsum wall board on each side of a stud. We have left out the fiberglass insulation normally found in this type of wall as it offers no ballistic resistance. This "one-hour fire wall" is also used to separate offices and businesses as well. As you can see, the round penetrates the wall but lacks the energy to break our glass backstop ten feet away. It would be unlikely that anything more than very minor flesh wounds would be inflicted at that distance."
Polyshok states "Polyshok ammunition is designed specifically to create the fastest incapacitation of a threat, in face to face confrontations in crowded environments, with the least potential of unintended injury, around or downrange of the target.
Attack Dogs
Click here to view a hard target demonstration of the Polyshok I.R.P. 12-gauge shotgun round’s performance.
The Polyshok, Inc. website states that "this demonstration is designed to prove that the ballistic polymer projectile casing doesn’t allow the projectile just to "splash" when contacting a hard target. Polyshok ammunition is designed to go through a controlled expansion process even when hitting the toughest targets. High velocity 00 Buck will bounce off the 16 ga. hot rolled steel plate seen in this video clip."
Residential Non-Masonry Exterior Walls
Auto Doors and Body Panels
Click here to view a normal partition walls demo.
Polyshok states "In a situation where someone is shooting at an officer and takes cover behind an interior partition wall (or residential type door), the officer may return fire through the wall or door with Polyshok I.R.P. ammunition.
Click here to view an auto glass demo.
The above video shows how "the Polyshok projectile will penetrate both laminated and tempered auto glass at all but extreme angles, and can produce incapacitating and/or fatal wounds up to two feet beyond the point of impact.
Store Front Glass
Click here to view a body armor demo of the Polyshok Impact Reactive Projectile (I.R.P.).
According to Polyshok, "the focused pressure wave created during a direct torso impact on soft body armor, up to and including NIJ STD Threat Level IIIA, can easily cause sufficient internal injuries to immediately incapacitate, and possibly prove lethal. However, the Polyshok projectile will typically fully expend all its energy without penetrating a single layer of Kevlar.
This video shows just how transparent soft body armor is to the effects of the Polyshok I.R.P. We covered a 2" thick concrete block with a NIJ Threat Level II ballistic vest panel and fired the I.R.P. into the center of the vest. Judge for yourself how the "bad guy" would react in this situation."
Entry team information:
Here’s what Polyshok, Inc. has to say about it: "All too often violent offenders will use any available group of people as cover. This can range from a bank robber taking hostages, a gunman using a bus or subway for an escape, or even the terrorist looking to kill or wound the most people possible in a bomb attack. In any of these situations there are innocent people in very close proximity to the target.
Click here to view a video of a ballistic gelatin test of the Polyshok I.R.P. shotgun round.
Polyshok states: "H.P. White, a federally approved testing agency, conducted ballistic gelatin testing and determined that Polyshok ammunition performed equally well against both bare and heavily clothed 10% ballistic gelatin. The pictures below are the actual high-speed photographs made by the H.P. White Laboratory.
According to the company, "In this door breaching demonstration the Polyshok I.R.P. round is being used to open a locked and dead bolted door. The door is a heavy solid wood exterior model with contractor grade lockset and deadbolt, and an upgraded heavy duty striker set screwed directly through the door casing into a 4X6 stud.
Click on this link to read the Polyshok I.R.P. (Impact Reactive Projectile) Operations Manual (Ops Manual). It’s interesting reading.
Polyshok, Inc.’s Vice President of Marketing is Jim Middleton. Mr. Middleton is "the former head of the Research and Development Program for the U.S. Navy Seals in Panama City, Florida". On his website, he states that he "was personally involved with some of the most sophisticated weapons systems in the world".
Vice President, Marketing
Polyshok, Inc.
2702 Woodmere Drive
Panama City, FL 32405
888-820-2010 Toll Free
850-625-9412 Cell
850-769-3619 Fax
Federal Tax Id # 56-2169497