by David Crane
Back in March (2005), we published an article on the Polyshok Impact Reactive Projectile (I.R.P.) for tactical 12-gauge shotgun applications. The article was titled "Polyshok Impact Reactive Projectile for Military SPECOPS and LE SWAT".
Polyshok, Inc. (Panama, FL) demonsrated the unique tactical attributes/capabilities of the Polyshok Impact Reactive Projectile (IRP) at the Armed Forces Journal (AFJ) 2005 Shoot-Out at Blackwater. Their demonstration was rated the best-orchestrated demsonstration at this year’s Shoot-out by several of the AFJ evaluators. In fact, AFJ has a video clip of the Polyshok Impact Reactive Projectile (I.R.P.) being demonstrated at the Shoot-out. You can view a video clip of the Polyshok demo by…
Click here to read what Armed Forces Journal (AFJ) has written about the Polyshok I.R.P. (12-Gauge ammo).
Click here to read what the AFJ evaluators had to say about the Polyshok round.
Click here to visit Armed Forces Journal’s (AFJ) 2005 Shoot-out at Blackwater homepage.