by David Crane
One of DefRev’s close contacts in the Mil/LE tactical training community just called our attention to this document. It’s an after-action report on/assessment of U.S. infantry small arms performance during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). The Soldier Weapons Assessment Team’s report focused on "current state of weapons, ammunition and accessories directly managed by PMSW: M9 Pistol to MK 19 AGL and determine what worked well and what did not."
Basically, U.S. Army Project Manager Soldier Weapons (PM Soldier Weapons) chartered a weapons team consisting of representatives from a veritable plethora of Army divisions, directorates, and departments to get a handle on what’s right and wrong with regard to U.S. infantry small arms and light weapons performance in the adverse desert warfare and dynamic urban warfare/CQB environments of Iraq.
The report is interesting reading. If you’d like to check it out, just…
click here. The report is titled PROJECT MANAGER SOLDIER WEAPONS: SOLDIER WEAPONS ASSESSMENT TEAM REPORT 6-03. DefRev recommends that our readers look it over.
The website the "Assessment Team Report 6-03" comes from is, which is a pretty cool and informative website focusing on tactical/combat and survival gear and techniques.
The actual name of the website is Bug Out Bag Oracle V1.8. It’s definitely worth taking a look at. If you want to find out what a "Bug Out Bag" (BOB) is, or you have any other questions about the website, just go to the BOB FAQ page.