by David Crane
DefenseReview just read an interesting piece on the Calvalry Arms CAV-15 MKII AR-15 lower receiver in the latest issue of "S.W.A.T." Magazine. According to the author, Mike Detty, Shawn Nealon (of Cavalry Arms) came up with the idea of doing a polymer AR-15/M16 fixed-stock lower receiver back in 1990, while he was in Desert Storm.
Basically, the CAV-15 concept is AR-15 rifle/carbine meets Glock. The CAV-15 MKII lower receiver is lighter, stronger, and less-expensive to produce than the Mil-Spec aluminum AR-15/M16 lower. The CAV-15 MK II utilizes Linear Vibration Welding process which, according to Nealon,…
"hermetically seals the seams and provides the strongest weld known in the polymer industry." Detty writes that "every contact surface between the two halves is bonded together with a weld that is even stronger than the parent material. It is the same procedure that Steyr uses on their AUG rifle receivers. It’s more expensive and the machinery is unbelievably sophisticated, but it produces a weld second to none."
According to Detty, the CAV-15 MKII AR-15 lower receiver will also allow thicker 9mm and .45 ACP submachine gun mags to be inserted (with a conversion block, of course), for added versatility.
During his testing session (over 500 rounds) with the CAV-15 MKII, Detty didn’t experience any reliability problems–no stoppages or jams.
Suggested retail price on a complete CAV-15 MKII rifle is $749.00 US. Suggested retail price on a complete CAV-15 MKII lower receiver is $260.00 US. Interested individuals and organizations should contact Shawn Nealon at Cavalry Arms. He can be contacted by phone at 480-833-9685, or