The November 2001 edition of SAR (Small Arms Review) has an interesting article, written by Charlie Cutshaw, about American built Ak’s being built by Arsenal USA. Apparently, production of these rifles is being overseen by Ivan Kolev, formerly of Arsenal Bulgaria, who "holds the equivalent of a master’s degree from Tula Institute in Russia and is one of the world’s acknowledged experts in AK design." Pretty cool.
Charlie also reports that the guns will print within 1.5" to 2"(depending on ammunition being used) at 100 yards, which is about as accurate as an AK can get. Hell, that’s pretty much as accurate as a top notch AR.
The rifles are built on new Hungarian FEG receivers and polish components. Arsenal USA is currently using as their website. The website is currently being worked on.
Arenal USA LLC can be reached at (713)944-3351.