It’s unfortunate that the great Steyr company got evicted from their factory in the firstplace. However, what your humble editor finds particularly reprehensible is the lack of information that the company has put out regarding its future status and return to operation. There’s been equal silence on the topic of Steyr’s representation here in the U.S. GSI appears to no longer be their importer.
I actually feel sorry for anyone who owns a Steyr product, as they have been put in the unenviable position of not knowing if there will be any further company support of their Steyr purchase(s). I would feel sorry for the company itself, if it weren’t for their apparent total disregard for their American market. They just don’t seem to feel the need to keep us informed about their status and future plans. It’s not right.
Anyway, just my two cents. At least their corporate website is still up. You can visit it by clicking on this link. Unfortunately, they don’t have an English version yet.