by David Crane
The Rohrbaugh R9/R9S pistol is a 9mm pocket pistol that bears more than a slight resemblance to the Seecamp LWS 32 .32 ACP pocket pistol and Kel-Tec CNC Industries Inc. P32 (.32 ACP) and P3AT (.380 ACP) pistols (except for the color). In fact, the Rohrbaugh R9S appears to be virtually identical in size to the P32 and P3AT, which can both be easily carried inside one’s front pocket.
If you’d like to learn all about the Rohrbaugh R9/R9S pistol, DefRev advises you to…
visit The Rohrbaugh Forum.
"P95Carry", from, has conducted a range test with Rohrbaugh R9S and issued this range report.
Here’s another thread on the Rohrbaugh R9S pistol.
Rohrbaugh Firearms can be contacted at 800-803-2233. You can also email them at
Click here to go to the Rohrbaugh Firearms website.