by David Crane
david (at) defensereview (dot) com
August 20, 2020
Do you like wearing baseball caps AND sunglasses at the same time? Well, if you do, Notch hats (baseball caps) may just be for you. It’s true. But seriously, Notch baseball caps are pretty cool. Billed as the world’s greatest and most innovative hats–big talk, I know–Notch hats utilize a patented (utility patent) and proprietary angled notch on both sides of the cap’s brim (or bill, if you will). These notches allow you to fully seat your hat WHILE wearing your sunglasses, so the curved brim of your hat doesn’t interfere with your sunglasses, and vice versa. Specifically, the notch is designed to allow the corner area of your frame and temples of your sunglasses to fit right into the notch, allowing you to easily bring your brim all the way down (see video below). It’s ingenius in its simplicity and effectiveness.
Notch desribes their (patented) solution rather succinctly: “Simple. Bold. Effective. The war between your hat and sunglasses is over.” DefenseReview (DR) agrees. We got to view and handle the notch hats at SHOT Show 2020, and liked them. Notch founder Paul Cunningham took us through the particulars on video, which you can view below. It’s short and sweet, so take a look.
While DR hasn’t tested the the Notch hats ourselves yet, we look forward to doing so soon. We’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, the video we shot will have to suffice. Assuming they work as well for us as they appear to, we may use them for our company hats, although we don’t know how much they’d cost yet.
Anyway, if you’re thinking of doing your own company gear, Defense Review recommends you check Notch hats out, to see if they’ll work for you. They just might be the way to go.
Company Contact Info:
Emaill Contact Page:
Website: https://www.notchgear
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