This one looks kind of interesting. It’s called the Spec-Ops 1911, and it’s brought to you by the same people who bring you the very high-tech, ultra-modern DSR-1 sniper rifle.
Click on "Read More", below, for the rest of the story.
Claudio Salassa(of Briley Manufacturing) is building all the guns. Let me just say right here that these guns had better be good, because CQB Products is making some pretty bold statements about the Spec-Ops 1911 on their website, stating that the Spec-Ops 1911 is the "most reliable 1911 pistol in the world today." The company goes on to say that "the Spec-Ops 1911 is a battle-hardened 1911 designed and built for Combat handgunners and Operators. This is no competition gun. This 1911 is without a doubt the toughest, most reliable 1911 ever built."
Whoah! That’s about as bold as it gets, folks. Only time (and end-users) will tell if the company can actually back these rather ambitious claims up. All Spec-Ops 1911’s are built on Caspian Arms’ new(and very cool) Recon frame, which incorporates an integral light-mounting rail. The gun also sports the excellent Schuemann AET barrel.
Click here to visit the Spec-Ops 1911 page on CQB Products’ site and get a detailed description of the new offering. To visit Schuemann’s website, click on this link.
Addendum 7/18/02:
Just spoke with John Woo over at CQB Products about the Spec-Ops 1911, and came away from the conversation fairly impressed. It appears the company has given a lot of thought to every weak point on the 1911, and attempted to solve it, including brazing the plunger tube and incorporating an "anti-walk" slide stop pin that won’t work loose and lock up the gun at the worst possible moment. The 1911’s historically troublesome internal extractor appears to be just about the only weak feature that CQB Products appears to have kept in place on the Spec-Ops 1911. I must say I’m not crazy about the idea of rubber grips on a carry gun. They tend to cause friction on clothing and can possibly slow a draw-stroke down. Time will tell if Caspian’s external extractor incorporating slide will prove itself more reliable than the traditional set-up, and thus be used for future guns. One of the most interesting features of the pistol that John explained to me is its incorporation of a reverse plug that leaves an open hole at the front of the gun that allows water to drain more quickly from it if the gun’s used in waterborne operations. If you can still take the gun down without tools, it’s probably a positive. If you can’t, it’s a negative for a field gun.