We all know that $4,000 to $5,000 for a custom 1911 is probably on the outrageous side, and that one’s money would probably be better spent on a Glock (or slightly modified Kimber) and a whole lot of ammo and training. However, that being said, "American Handgunner" just did a fluff piece on a "Special Operations" 1911 by Larry Vickers, and the gun is definitely one beautiful piece of equipment for either carry or collecting (How the gun actually runs, we don’t know.). So, while a pistol like this is not exactly necessary, it’s still kinda’ fun to read about.
By the way, Larry is still active Special Forces, so he brings an operator’s mentality to the gunsmith’s table, and is currently considered by many professionals to be one of the best pistolsmiths out there. Just click on this link to read the full story.
You can visit Larry Vicker’s site by clicking here.