By David Crane
defrev (at) gmail (dot) com
All photos contained in this article were taken by, and are copyrighted. owns the copyright on these photos. The photos were shot with a Canon PowerShot S90 10-megapixel digital camera (still camera with video capability).
April 15, 2010
A company called Grauer Systems showed an interesting AR-15 rifle/carbine accessory called the Integrated Grip Rail System (IGRS) at SHOT Show 2010. Billed as “The AR Weapon Enhancement Platform”, the IGRS is essentially an integral extended ramped and flared magwell (magazine well)/vertical foregrip that’s designed to funnel a fully-loaded 5.56mm NATO AR mag right into the magwell, so you can perform mag changes quickly under stress without taking your eyes off the target.
The vertical foregrip aspect of the IGRS is basically a bonus that DefenseReview believes is somewhat unnecessary/redundant, as we prefer a dedicated vertical foregrip–the Grip Pod System integrated vertical foregrip/instant-deploy bipod/weapon stabilization system (WSS) being DefenseReview’s first choice–that the user can move to any position on the rail (Mil-Std-1913 “Picatinny” rail system/forend rail tube).
Defense Review tried out the IGRS at the Grauer Systems booth at SHOT Show 2010 in a non-shooting environment. Under those relaxed conditions, the system worked great, efficiently funneling the mag into the magwell via the highly-flared/beveled internal front ramp and beveled/flared sides, except, curiously, the IGRS isn’t beveled/flared at the rear. Why not go that extra step?
Our two primary questions at present are: 1) How much does it (IGRS) weigh?, and 2) How much does it cost (MSRP in USD)? Annoyingly, the Grauer Systems website doesn’t appear to answer either of these questions. We were hoping the “purchase” page on Grauer’s website would list the suggested retail price of the IGRS, but we were SOL, since it doesn’t.
As this article goes to print, DefenseReview is up in Bellingham, Washington getting trained up by John Romaszka of Romaszka Tactical Training (RTT). John’s a GREAT instructor who teaches both technical shooting techniques AND tactical shooting techniques (pistol, rifle, and shotgun). John runs an Arredondo AR Magwell (two-piece extended, flared AR-15 Mag Well)–which weighs 2.4 ounces (2.4 oz)–and Arredondo AR Mag Button (oversized AR-15 magazine release button), along with the aforementioned Grip Pod System vertical foregrip/bipod on his POF P-415 gas piston/op-rod tactical AR carbine (AR-15-type piston-driven carbine). Romaszka is a top-tier tactical shooting instructor/technical shooting instructor, and his recommendation of the Arredondo AR Magwell and Mag Button carry a lot of weight with DefenseReview.
Editor’s Note: DefenseReview would have preferred to see a credible combat optic like an EOTech 550 series HWS (HOLOgraphic Weapon Sight), Aimpoint CompM2/M4 or Micro T-1 Red Dot Sight, or Trijicon ACOG series optical sight on the Grauer Systems demo AR-15 carbine rather than the HUD red dot sight pictured, which looked cheap and unsophisticated on the display weapon, damaging the presentation and first impression.
Additional Photos:
Company Contact Info:
John Brixius, Founder/President
Grauer Systems
303 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1502
New York, NY 10016
914-940-6400 Office Website
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