Futuristic Beretta Cx4 Storm Semi-Auto Carbine: Update and Reviews

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by David Crane

Awhile back, DefRev published an article on the Beretta Cx4 Storm semi-auto carbine titled "Beretta Cx4 Storm Carbine. Sleek, Futuristic, and Modular.", right around the time that the Cx4 was first introduced. We’ve been hearing some pretty good things about this futuristic, ergonomic carbine from Cx4 owners, so far. It would seem that Beretta has a performer, and thus a winner, on their hands with the Cx4 Storm.

DefRev has found a couple of reviews on the Beretta Cx4 Storm semi-auto carbine. The first is a relatively short, but informative, review/T&E of the Cx4, viewable here:…


The review was written by Scott Smith, and it’s titled "Beretta’s CX4 Storm and 92G-SD Make a Great Match Battery".

DefRev also located this review:


This one (above) was written by Chad Young, and it’s titled Tres Caballeros – a test of three popular 9mm carbines. The Ruger PC-9 and Hi-Point Model 995B were reviewed alongside the Beretta Cx4 Storm.

These are the only independent reviews of the Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine that DefenseReview has located on the web, so far, and they’re definitely worth reading, especially if you have any interest in acquiring a Cx4 for yourself, at some point. It should also be noted that the articles we’ve read on the Cx4 Storm in the various firearm print publications, like the most recent one in the June 2004 issue of SWAT Magazine (written by Rob Pincus of Valhalla Training Center, LLC), have also been very positive. The SWAT Magazine piece on the Cx4 is particularly worth reading.

Click here to read an informative thread about the Beretta Cx4 Storm semi-auto carbine from TheFiringLine.com (TFL). It contains some very positive comments about the Cx4 from current and former owners, as well as some quality pics of the gun. TFL, by the way, was recently re-activated, DefenseReview is happy to report. I was a proud TFL member before it got locked up awhile back, and I’ll be checking in over there, from time to time, now that they’re back up and running. I’m very glad that TFL is going again. I missed it.

O.k., back to the Cx4. The Beretta Cx4 Storm semi-auto carbine is indeed an interesting and attractive (aesthetically and functionally) pistol-caliber carbine for recreational plinking and home defense. It’s multi-caliber aspect (9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP) is a big plus, provided that the Cx4 is reliable with each caliber. We’d actually like to get our hands on one and wring it out.

Just like we wrote in our first article on the Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine, if you end up purchasing a Cx4, or any other tactical carbine or rifle for that matter, DefRev highly recommends outfitting it with either an Aimpoint CompM2 Red Dot Sight or EOTech 552 Holosight, a.k.a. "Holographic Diffraction Sight (HDS)". The reason we recommend the EOTech 552 and not the EOTech 551 is that the 552 is the military version that was designed for the U.S. Marine Corps, so it takes cheap and plentiful "AA" batteries (2 of them), as opposed to 2 "N" alkaline batteries (551). Both sights can be purchased from Lightfighter.com, which is a great source for any kind of military Spec-Ops or LE tactical operations gear, equipment, or accessories.

Click here to go to the official Beretta CX4 "Storm" carbine website and learn more about it.

Here’s some info on the CX4 Storm on the Beretta USA website.

Click on this link to visit Berettaweb.com’s Beretta CX4 Storm page. Some good pics here. Weapon specs, also.

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Futuristic Beretta Cx4 Storm Semi-Auto Carbine: Update and Reviews by

About David Crane

David Crane started publishing online in 2001. Since that time, governments, military organizations, Special Operators (i.e. professional trigger pullers), agencies, and civilian tactical shooters the world over have come to depend on Defense Review as the authoritative source of news and information on "the latest and greatest" in the field of military defense and tactical technology and hardware, including tactical firearms, ammunition, equipment, gear, and training.

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