by David Crane
U.S. Army TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command) has published a story on the Lightweight Shotgun System (LSS), made by C-MORE Systems.
You can view it by clicking here.
The Lightweight Shotgun System (LSS) has been developed under the U.S. Army’s Dismounted Battlespace Battle Lab (DBBL). You can see a…
picture of the LSS by clicking here. To see all three configurations of the Lightweight Shotgun System (LSS), click on this link.
"National Defense" Magazine also has a story on the LSS here: "National Defense" Magazine is published by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). has their own story on the C-MORE Lightweight Shotgun System (LSS).
Pics of the Lightweight Shotgun System (LSS) being put through it’s paces can be seen here: It’s a "Defend America" story. "Defend America" is a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) news publication about the war on terrorism.