by David Crane
For the absolute latest info on the Auto Assault-12 full-auto shotgun (a.k.a. AA-12 full-auto shotgun), DefenseReview highly recommends that you check out Armed Forces Journal’s 2005 Shoot-Out at Blackwater live-fire T&E videos here…
Click here to watch the Auto Assault-12 (AA-12) Shotgun video from the 2005 Armed Forces Journal (AFJ) Shoot-Out at Blackwater (HIGHLY recommended).
Click here to read what Armed Forces Journal (AFJ) wrote about the Auto-Assault-12 Shotgun (AA12 Shotgun).
Click on this link to read the AFJ evaluators’ comments on the AA-12.
There’s lots of great info on other Mil/LE small arms there, as well. Armed Forces Journal (AFJ) really does a great job every year with that event, so we want to make sure all of our readers are aware of it.
Click here to read DefRev’s previous article on the Auto Assault-12 machine shotgun, titled "Auto Assault-12 Shotgun/FRAG-12 High-Explosive Round Combo/Weapon System?".
Click here to view the AA-12 machine shotgun videos that DefRev provided as a follow-up, titled "DefRev Follow-Up: Auto Assault-12 (AA-12) Full-Auto Shotgun Videos."