The following is a Robotic FX, Inc. press release:
Worth, IL – (March, 2 2007) Robotic FX, Inc. has announced successful testing of the latest COFDM equipped Negotiator Tactical Surveillance Robot. COFDM is a modulation scheme that divides a single digital signal across 1,000 or more signal carriers simultaneously. The signals are sent at right angles to each other (hence, orthogonal) so they do not interfere with each other. In simpler terms, COFDM is a system of video transmission that provides a “rock solid”, encrypted video image with a useable range that is far greater than that of a conventional analog video transmitter. The attached image demonstrates the initial tests performed at Robotic FX, Inc.’s facilities.
”Our initial tests have yielded fantastic results,” commented Eric Webber, research and development technician for Robotic FX, Inc. “ As you can see from the picture…
the new COFDM transmitter was successful in penetrating an unprecedented amount of obstacles including several homes, buildings and a school.” “ Although the COFDM transmitter’s range is impressive, we feel its potential is even greater than our initial tests indicate,” he further commented.
Although it is still in the prototype stage, the COFDM equipped Negotiator test vehicle retains its original form with no modifications to the size or shape of the existing platform. Doing so allows all existing Negotiator Robots to receive this upgrade without having to purchase a new robot. “Traditionally, COFDM video transmission components have always been much larger than their analog counter parts. Also, they require a great deal of power to operate and emit a substantial amount of heat, which requires dissipation via some sort of delicate cooling system”, stated Eric Webber. “The system we are using is absolutely state of the art”. “Its compact design draws little power while maintaining a form factor that is a fraction of the size of traditional COFDM video transmission systems,” he further commented.
When asked to comment on this latest technological advancement, Mr. Jameel Ahed, President and founder of Robotic FX, Inc. said, “Again, we at Robotic FX, Inc. are doing everything possible to eliminate the “weak links” associated with traditional robots.” “This latest advancement is a tremendous leap in the right direction”.
The official release of the COFDM version of the Negotiator Tactical Surveillance Robot platform should occur late this spring. Official pricing will not be available until that time.
The Negotiator Tactical Surveillance Robot is currently used by local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and has had proven success with search & rescue operations, SWAT teams, HAZMAT teams and Homeland Defense. For more information, please visit our website at
NOTE TO MEDIA: Please see the attached jpeg image demonstrating increased video range.
Mr. Michael Asimor
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